Researching Sustainable Aquaculture
MRC is a fully-fledged research and development company focused on exploring new aquaculture species and pushing them to the next level of commercial viability. With our focus on finfish, crustaceans, and bivalves we have the capability for larval rearing, grow-out and broodstock production and management.


Stone crab
Menippe mercenaria
Stone Crabs (Menippe mercenaria) have yet to be extensively researched, but at MRC we are committed to better understanding the lifecycle and future aquaculture viability of this species as it is one of the world's premier shellfish. We cannot continue to exploit our ocean and expect the wild population to meet the growing population's demand for high-quality seafood.
Red Snapper
Lutjanus campechanus
Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) is another premier species we are currently working with to better understand how we can contribute to wild stock enhancement efforts, as well as commercial grow-out opportunities. This heavily regulated species is known worldwide for being one of the finest tasting snappers and important throughout the recreational community. With aquaculture, we can leave the ones in the oceans for our fisherman while maintaining enough for us to fill our plates at the dinner table to enjoy.

Our Mission
MRC Fisheries was created with the desire to protect our environment while supplying us with all the seafood we love. Ask yourself if you want some meat – do you go out and “catch” it? This practice of overfishing our seas is not sustainable and we need an alternative. MRC is focused on evaluating the scientific bottlenecks and life cycle roadblocks of a variety of species. Our goal is to better understand the developmental processes of these amazing creatures so that we can push them to the next level of commercial viability. Our motto at MRC Fisheries is “taking aquaculture to the next level” and that is what we do every day.

Full wet and dry lab, larval production and grow-out analysis, food research, and more.